7490 is a Binary coded decimal counter and counts up to ten digits. Being binary counter it counts in binary digit like 0000, 0001, etc. The IC contains 4 master-slave flip-flops and some gating circuits to provide a divide-by-two counter and three-stage binary counter for which counter is divided by 5. The counter circuit gets reset for every new clock
- Voltage supply: 4.5-5.5V
- Typical voltage supply: 5V
- Maximum clock frequency: 30MHz
- High-level output current: -800µA
- Low-level output current: 16mA
- High-level input voltage: 2V
- Low-level input voltage: 0.8V
- Current rating: 5.2mA
- Propagation delay: 18ns
- High speed
- Low power consumption
- TTL compatible
- High noise immunity
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