Kit Contents:
- 1 X Arduino UNO R3 Clone with cable
- 1 X L293D motor driver Arduino shield
- 1 X Single Shaft BO Motor
- 1 X 840 points Breadboard
- 3 X 5mm LDR
- 1 X 4×4 Keypad
- Resistance box
- 6 X Preset – 1K,10K, 100K (2 each)
- 1 X 16×2 LCD display
- 1 X 7-seg LED display
- 1 X 8×8 Dot Matrix Display
- 1 X 3-digit 7-segment Display
- 1 X 2-digit 7-segment Display
- 1 X 74HC595 IC
- 1 X 40 pin Male Berg Strip
- 1 X Flame Sensor Module
- 1 X IR Proximity Sensor
- 1 X Electret Microphone
- 1 X MQ-2 Gas Sensor Module
- 1 X Water Level Sensor
- 1 X Soil Moisture Sensor
- 1 X Ultrasonic HC-SR04 Module
- 1 X Joystick Module
- 1 X DHT11 Temp/Humidity Sensor Module
- 1 X 1-channel Relay Module
- 1 X 5V Active Buzzer
- 1 X IR Remote
- 1 X TSOP
- 1 X LM35 IC
- 20 X Male Jumper Wire
- 20 X Female Jumper Wire
- 4 X 5mm Push Button
- 1 X 9V Battery with Connector